
Five Toxic Mind Games That Can Destroy Your Relationship

These days, falling in love is very simple, but keeping a relationship together is where most people fall short. Some people will resort to dishonest methods known as “mind games” to further their own interests, create imbalances of power, or make their partners uncomfortable. Certified marriage and relationship coach Amanda Twiggs recently posted on Instagram about seven destructive mind games that couples engage in.

We’ve compiled a list of five proven methods that can break up your excellent relationship. It’s common for people to blackmail their partners these days. There is no such thing as a minor issue in a love relationship; it’s going to destroy the whole thing. People often resort to manipulating one another in order to establish or maintain control. If this is happening in your relationship, know that you are extremely close to being a victim of mental manipulation.

Let’s take a look at five toxic mind games that can ruin even the best of relationships.

Making baseless accusations against one another

Considering how widespread this issue is in modern relationships, it’s important to address it.

Don’t trust each other.

The foundation of any healthy relationship is trust. If you and your spouse don’t trust one another, you might as well end up alone, so it is essential that you always put your faith in your partner. Avoid jumping to extreme negative judgements and work to restore trust and closeness in the relationship.

Counting a partner’s flaws

It’s important to treat your partner with kindness. Always focusing on the bright side of things and not picking at your partner’s flaws will do wonders for your relationship.

Thinking for a very long time

Spending too much time thinking about the other person or conjuring up fictitious images of them can also harm a relationship.

Keeping high expectations

It’s important not to put undue pressure on one’s spouse by expecting them to constantly go above and beyond in their support of the relationship.

Source – Tru News Report

Frebetha Atieku Adjoh

News Editor, Lover of Arts & Entertainment

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