
Here Are Ten Things Men Do In Bed That Women Hate

There are certain things men do that turn women off, regardless of how long you’ve lasted or how amazing you are at sex. Understanding and respecting boundaries is key to fostering a healthy sexual dynamic.

It’s essential to communicate openly and respectfully with your partner about what you both enjoy and what you find uncomfortable or unacceptable, and always remember that everyone’s preferences are different, and what one person dislikes, another may enjoy. However, here are five common behaviours that some women may dislike in bed:

  1. Selfishness: Women often dislike partners who are solely focused on their own pleasure and don’t prioritise the needs and desires of their partner. Mutual satisfaction and communication are key components of a healthy sexual relationship.
  2. Ignoring Foreplay: Foreplay is important for many women as it helps to build arousal and enhances the overall experience. Rushing through or skipping foreplay altogether can leave women feeling unsatisfied or disconnected.
  3. Lack of Communication: Communication is vital in any intimate relationship. Women may find it frustrating when their partners don’t communicate their desires, boundaries, or concerns openly and respectfully.
  4. Engaging in anal sex without consent: Anal intercourse requires mutual willingness and communication. Attempting it without consent can lead to discomfort and breach trust. Moreover, proceeding without proper lubrication can cause unnecessary discomfort and potential harm.
  5. Lack of hygiene: Poor personal hygiene can be a turn-off and make the experience uncomfortable for both partners.
  6. Being inconsiderate: Being rough, insensitive, or disrespectful towards a partner’s body or feelings can create a negative experience.
  7. Lack of variety: Always sticking to the same routine or positions without trying new things.
  8. Ignoring consent: Disregarding or pressuring a partner into activities they are not comfortable with is unacceptable and harmful.
  9. Not being present: Being distracted or disinterested during intimate moments.
  10. Lack of aftercare: Not providing emotional support or physical affection after intimacy.

Source – Tru News Report

Frebetha Atieku Adjoh

News Editor, Lover of Arts & Entertainment

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