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What Causes Weight Gain While Using Birth Control And How To Avoid It

Some people worry that using birth control will cause them to gain weight, but it’s important to realise that there is a complicated connection  between birth control and weight and that weight gain is not a common side effect.

Different types of birth control, like pills, patches, injections, and intrauterine devices (IUDs), can affect weight in different ways, and each person may react differently.

Before making any decisions regarding changing your birth control method, it is important to seek help from your healthcare provider. Based on your health history and preferences, they can give you advice that is just right for you. Moreover, they can assist you in resolving any concerns or problems that you may be experiencing. 

Here are some factors to consider:

  • Metabolic Changes:  Changes in hormones can affect metabolism. The effects on weight can differ from person to person, although some research has linked certain hormonal birth control methods to a small gain in body fat.
  • Water Retention: Certain hormonal contraceptive methods have the potential to cause water retention, which may result in temporary weight gain. Changes in hormone levels are typically the cause of this, and it will eventually go away on its own.
  • Changes in Appetite: When using hormonal birth control, some people may have changes in their appetite, which could result in weight gain. But not everyone experiences this, and many do not even notice a change in their hunger levels.

Here are some things to keep in mind if you’re worried about gaining weight while using birth control:

  • Lifestyle Changes: If you see changes in your weight, think about whether there are any other factors that could be causing them, such as dietary habits, stress, or changes in lifestyle.
  • Choose the Right Method:  Get in touch with your doctor if you notice any unpleasant side effects, such as gaining weight. They can assist you in examining various contraceptive methods to discover which one is more suitable for you.
  • Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle Through Diet and Exercise:  Make sure you’re paying attention to your food intake and getting enough of a balanced diet. Engaging in regular exercise may also help in controlling one’s weight and enhancing overall physical and mental health.
  • Stay Informed: It is important to note that the effects of birth control can differ from person to person. Make sure that you are well-informed about the potential negative effects that may be linked to your particular approach.

Source – Tru News Report

Frebetha Atieku Adjoh

News Editor, Lover of Arts & Entertainment
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